4月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                    2019年4月25日(木) なか区民活動センター研修室 2



Brain Energizer:  Minus-seven game and Plus-one-item game

Both games are memorization games and we hope they help prevent dementia.


Game: Majority Decision  

We guess what would be decided by majority rule.

 Creative thinking

 “If you could go back to the past and witness an event/ incident (historical or personal),

 what time would it be? and why?  You could pinpoint the time and place, but you could

 stay there for one hour.”





















Group Work:  Sculptors and sculptures In a group, some (instructors) play the role of sculptors and others (performers) are material to be created into sculptures. The sculptors give only verbal instructions to the material who must follow the instructions by moving the parts of their body. The sculptors have an original design photo as a model for the sculptures.

今回グループ・ワークとして挑戦したのは、「言葉による指示で、対象の人にある特定のポーズを取らせる」ということでした。sculptor として二人が指示を出し、sculpture役の3人がその指示に従ってポーズをとります。sculptorは手元にある写真の通りのポーズの指示を与えなければなりません。元になった写真と実際にとったポーズを見比べてください。




3月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                 2019年3月28日(木) なか区民活動センター研修室 2



Opening chatting:

We had a new participant and each of us asked a question to her, so she answered ten

questions.  Through this Q & A, we have come to know quite well about the Nishi-

ku dweller.

Announcement: As usual we exchanged some information of events, classes, etc.

Topic:  One talked about a TV program she was impressed by.  It depicts the people

who introduce Japanese culture in various place over the world.


Good-bye, the Heisei Era: my special memory of Heisei

The era of Heisei is drawing to an end.  All participants presented their own best

memory, unforgettable event, impressive incident or big change during the Heisei era.






す少し年代の若い方もいました。平成は最初から最後まで本当にtough timeだったけれど





Group Work

The venue of English Salon is near Osanbashi passenger boat terminal. Every week

the passengers go on shore to explore the town of Yokohama.  Among many tourist spots

where the passenger can go around in half day, Sankeien Garden seems so popular that

the terminal information desk provides them with a leaflet showing how to get to the

garden. Unfortunately the information of the leaflet is not clear enough. Then we tried

to improve it and make it more user-friendly. Each of three groups presented nice ideas.

                     真剣に話し合い                     ここはこのように改善しました  このアイディアはどうかな?












TRIPLUS は日本文化を海外の人に紹介したいと考えている中高年の日本の方と、日本文化を体験してみたいと思っているインバウンドの方をマッチングすることを業務としている会社です。スタッフの方が1名、サロン終了後説明に見えました。参加者は国際交流、文化紹介にも関心のある方たちですので、熱心にお話を聞き、たくさんの質問もありました。









月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                 2019年2月22日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室 2



Opening chatting:

 We talked about fitness activity which we practice routinely.

 Most participants are health-conscious and then participated freely in the discussion.

 Gym exercise, radio-gymnastics, dumbbell exercise, walking with pedometer, push-ups & squats, etc.


 My history

 Each introduced her/his history only focusing on the places and dwelling styles in which

 they have lived. Many kinds of dwellings : houses, dormitories, apartment-houses,

 company-owned apartments, row houses, rented houses, condominiums・・・

 One told us that she moved houses more than 10 times, the other has lived in many prefectures

 such as Okayama, Hiroshima, Osaka, Gunma, Tokyo and finally in Kanagawa (Yokohama ).



Work in pairs

 Translate visible information into audible information

 Four pairs were given a flier with different contents.

 Cleaning staff recruitment

 Advertisement of newly opened stand-up-drinking shop

 Call for volunteers of museums

 Announcement of an exhibition of Ukiyoe painting collection

 How challenging it is to convey the contents in voiced description because some fliers

 have a map, photos and illustrations!




























月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                 2019年1月25日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室 2


 Opening chatting:

 We had a new friend, who teaches an abacus class.  Many of us have an experience

 of learning the abacus in elementary school days and we enjoyed chatting on abacus.

 Ground Rules of our English salon are “English Only”, “Active participation” and “Enjoy”,

 Most of us follow the rules, while each has her/his own rules in their daily life.

 We talked about “my own rules”. One said he makes it a rule to slip into his right shoe

 first when he wears shoes. Many participants seem health-conscious and have rules on

 health issue, such as taking small neck exercises in a bath-tub. 


One made an announcement on the exhibition of paintings by an art class which she

attends and the other shared the information that photos of the works by members of

a flower arrangement association she belongs to will be introduced on the top page of

Kanagawa Shinbun every day for three months.





参加者の皆さんは健康志向が強いようです。「my own rules」では自分できちんとルーティンを作って




直観力に優れた人たちっているのですね。「paper craft」と「string」というヒントから千羽鶴、

そして正解の七夕祭りを短時間で導き出した参加者、「sport uniforms」「ceiling」「customers

menu」「table and chair」からスポーツ・バー(正解はスポーツ・カフェなのですが)と即座に


Group discussion                    Grouping by Rock-Paper-Scissors         Many hints are on the board




11月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                 2018年11月30日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室 


Opening chatting:

We talked about disaster prevention.  One participant introduced a portable beeperwhich would be very useful in case of being trapped in wreckage. She demonstrated its special alarming sound.


December is the year-end-gift giving season. One introduced her idea of choosing products from the disaster areas as gifts in order to support and activate the area, its people and its industry.


The other talked about Curves Fitness Gym which she recently enrolled in.  She excitedly said how effectively it works.


Another topic was “Bohemian Rhapsody”, a biographical film about Queen, a British rock band.  Some of our salon members have already seen the movie and one told that it was so impressive that she saw it three times.


 Work in pairs

Each pair talked about a happy moment during the day and also the happiest time in their life. As we used a larger room than usual, the pairs walked around in the room, some were hand in hand. Walking/light exercise plus thinking at the same time can help us enhance our brain activity.


 Work in groups:  Ten years later from now on

All of us participated in creating a profile of one person.  It is a man who is tall, skinny and good-looking.  We added his character, family status, profession, etc.  Based on this information of his profile, each of three groups made their own story about him ten years later from now. Ten years seems long enough to change him and funny/interesting stories were created.


 今月のサロンはいつもより大きな部屋で行いましたので、部屋の中をぐるぐる歩き回る会話散歩を楽しみました。体を動かすと脳の働きも良くなるらしいですね。参加者皆さんのhappy timeは「午後、テレビを見ている時間」、「お酒を飲んでいるとき」「息子家族のために料理の腕を振るっているとき」など楽しさが伝わってきます。






 10月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                2018年10月26日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室2


  Opening chatting:  

 A new friend joined and introduced herself, then each of us made one question to her.

 Some talked about their new experiences such as canoeing in the Ooka river, hosting to a foreign guest, volunteer guide of directing tourists at Kamakura station, and others made an announcement of events.

The new participant talked about her life in Seattle where she stays for 6 months every year.





 大岡川では最近water activity が盛んになってきました。ボラもかなり上流まで上がってくる川でのカヌーも素敵です。




 Mentioning several Japanese folktales such as “Momotaro”, “Urashima-taro”, “Issun-boshi” and “Kaguyahime”, we discussed some common plots of Japanese folktales.


 Work in groups:

 San-dai-banashi (三題噺) is ”making a funny story on the spot based on three topics given by the audience” . 

 It is usually performed by rakugo story tellers in yose, a variety hall.

 Three groups tried this improvisation.  Each group chose three topics from about twenty which had been given by all participants (themselves).




そしてその中から3グループが選んだ言葉は:[Halloween, panda, generous[flavor, complain, caregiver] [hiking, cove, fake] でした。

皆さん、imagination & creativity を駆使して、とても面白い話を作りました。御伽噺風なものから浮気男の話まで、内容は様々




月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                2018年9月28日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室2



Opening chatting:  

 A new friend joined and introduced herself, then each of us made one question to her.

 One participant talked about “Harvest-moon Viewing Concert” at Sankeien garden

 which she attended.  Another introduced an interesting gimmick called “Fold Scope”

 It is a handy microscope which can be made up by folding cardboard in the kit.



As many of the participants are mothers, they are familiar with “Mother and Child

 Health Handbook”. Objectives of the handbook were discussed.

 We confirmed how to get it and what are recorded on it.




Work in groups:

First we talked about the funny logic of the cause and effect in a Japanese story

 “If the wind blows, the wooden pail business makes money”  「風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる」

 Applying this, three groups created their own story made up in logical order of chained cause and effect.



 というstory makingに挑戦しました。

 3グループは同じ「It is 12 o’clock」という文からスタートして、異なったストーリーを展開しました。




月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                               2018年8月30日(木) なか区民活動センター研修室2



Opening chatting:  

  One participant talked about her study tour to Hawaii where she got a chance which may expand her business.

 The other told us that she recently had found a halal certified restaurant.

 (The restaurant is near the venue of the English Conversation Salon and some of participants went there for lunch after   the salon finished.)

 As we had a new friend, each of us made one question to her. Through those Q & A we have got to know a lot about her. 


Work; What we need

Each of us takes one from ten given “occupations” and discusses three things which are neccessary to work as such an occupation.  One participant who chose “farmer”

presented tools & machines ② punctuality ③ love of nature.



Work in groups:  

 Make three groups. They suppose that they are the staff of the advertising department of three companies and want sell their new products whose pictures have been already given to the groups.  Each group discusses to create a nice catch phrase and a commercial message of the products that are shared with all participants.



様々な職業について話し合いました。皆さんに挙げてもらった職業は,医師、弁護士、看護師、農業者、美容師、教師、警察官、デザイナー、映画監督、ニュースキャスター、客室乗務員でした。必要なモノついて、「教師」の「チョーク」はout-of-date ではないかという議論が出ました。「映画監督」に必要な資質の一つは「大声」というのも頷けます。比較的共通していたのは「サービス精神」「スマイル」「忍耐力」のようでした。






月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                               2018年7月26日(木) なか区民活動センター研修室2



Opening chatting:  

       One participant talked about her recent travel to USA.  She found in US airports a number of wheelchaired

    persons moving around freely and confidently with a support of airport staffers.  The other told us that she

        went to Sankeien Garden for viewing “lotus flower blooming “.  This event is being held in summer early mornings.             

       She showed us the photo of “lotus -leaf shower”.  How elegantly it sounds!


 Work in groups:   

        Divided into 3 groups.

        Each group discussed a summer event. The first group talked about O-bon.

        They elaborated on the manner in which people welcome the souls of their ancestors to home during O-bon days.

        The second group’s topic was Bon-odori and they emphasized that it helps the community people get united.

        The last group discussed summer ghost stories. One participant compared the background of Japanese ghost stories            with that of Western ghost stories.


 今年はとりわけ酷暑の夏(scorching summer)ですが、サロンには相変わらずお元気な皆様が揃いました。暑い夏もそれぞれの工夫で楽しい思い出になっているようです。




6月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                             2018年6月29日(金) なか区民活動センター 研修室2


Opening chatting:  

 New experiences and what we have done recently.

 One talked about the Argentine Tango class she recently started to attend. The other who is a rakugo lover, talked about her yose,-going.  One, a studious participant, discussed how she enjoys the online English conversation class.  Forward-looking attitude!!!


Game: Story Making

     All of us participated in making one story.  The first person gave a starting sentence and the second added

    another sentence continuing the story.  As we were group of eleven, the story was comprised of 11 sentences.     

    The result, our work, was very strange.


Memory Enhancing

       A story of six sentences (about 40 words) given by participants was written on the board. 

     We read the sentences together. Next step, some of the words wer erased and we read together.  After we                                 repeated this 4 times, all words were erased and we recited all those sentences.

Work in groups:    Divided into 3 groups.

                        Each group chose one from Japanese traditional dried foods as a discussion topic. After group talking,

                              the stories were introduced to all participants.

                       Wakame, nori and umeboshi were chosen. 





5月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                   2018年5月25日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2

 Opening chatting:

            Salon is a gathering of people who exchange their ideas through conversation, and our English Salon                is the occasion to exchange information, too.  Some participants were keen to share the information of              enjoyable events.

 Game: Word games stimulate our brain.  The word-chain game as known as “shiritori” in Japanese is                           considered a good tool for learning any language.  But this time we enjoyed another word

    game which would hopefully help us to recall memory.

 Work in groups:   Story making

                             Divided into 3 groups.  Each group had a different series of pictures and created a story                                      based on the pictures.  After group talking, the stories were introduced to all participants.



Vegetableのスペリングの各文字から始まる単語(野菜)を皆で考えました。Vegetableの中には”e”が3つ入っていますが、eggplant, endive, eschalotと3つを挙げることができました。しかし後で調べてみるとeschalotというのはフランス語で英語ではshallotというのだそうです。それにしても”v”で始まる野菜、思いつきませんでした。どなたかご存じありませんか?(animalでも同様に動物の名前を考えました)


                      Story makingでは皆さん想像力、創造力を十分発揮して楽しいお話を作ってくれました。



4月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                    2018年4月26日(木)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatting:

    Some talked about unique experiences/what happened to them recently. 

           Some participants made an announcement of events which they are organizing and invited us to join.

Work in pairs

          Six pairs   One tells his/her partner about his/her living environment or neighborhood by giving three                good points, and vice versa.


Work in groups:   On-the-spot interview surrounded by many reporters.

          Divided into two groups (6 in each) 

          One participant who has a special activity or plans to organize an event is surrounded by 5 reporters.                The reporters ask her/him questions promptly to get as much information as possible. 

           Later the information is shared with all participants of the salon.

英会話サロンの参加者は様々な活動をしています。オープニングの告知(announcement)とグループワークの囲み取材(on-the-spot interview surrounded by reporters)ではそれぞれしっかり宣伝をしていました。(A concert of Reed Recorder, Exhibition of Chalk Art, Exhibition of

Felt Art and Charity Bazaar, etc.)


自分の住環境や近隣の良さを再確認することにより、生活の質もグーンと上がることでしょう。皆さん積極的に良い点を挙げてくださいました。Positive thinking の方々ばかりです。








3月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives        

                   2018年3月22日(木)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatting: 

   We talked about hand-made dolls. In Japan there are several famous doll creators and some of them are over 80    years old.

  One participant introduced us “the third” foreign cemetery in Yokohama.

Seasonal topic: 

  Talked about ohanami, cherry-blossom viewing. Keyword of ohanami,/what we associate with the word “ohanami”





Let’s look back on 20th century

  Four pairs of participants selected one decade of 20th century, respectively, and talked about big news, incidents,     events, etc. in each decade. For presentation following the discussion, the method of “time line” was employed in     order to share their findings with others.




2月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                       2018年2月23日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2




   We had 4 new participants and we made self-introduction in pairs.

   Each pair asked as many questions as possible within the time limited.

   Then the information each pair had got was shared by all participants.


   A participant introduced her experience of joining in Korean Lunar New Year Celebration in Yokohama. She showed

   some photos of special offerings on the altar and women in their beautiful  traditional costume, chima jeogori.



  Memory Enhancer:

    Plus One Item Game (using items we can find in 100-yen shops) All of us sat in a circle. The first person said

    one item and  the second (neighboring) person repeated the item and added another item. The third one did the same             adding new item.

    As there were 13 of us, the last person had to remember 12 items. We did two rounds of this game.  The category of the          first round was kitchenware of 100-yen shops and the second, stationery.

   It was a good but tough game.



 Workshop: Reading a Map

   Tourist maps of Yokohama Central Town Aera were distributed to each participants. Made three groups. The task of each     group was to read the map from a different viewpoint (culture, history and transportation) and talk over what were                found.  After the group discussion, their findings were shared by all.




1月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                                2018年1月26日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatでは皆さん様々なこと話しました。お正月の出来事、インフルエンザ、オレオレ詐欺に引っかかりそうになった(引っかかったかも)話、大雪で困ったことなど。この日が結婚記念日という人もいれば、自分のお墓はどうするかを真剣に考えているという人も。


  A new participant and a visitor were questioned about themselves by other participants.

  Although they were close-ended questions, the responder gave us a lot of information which was summarized

  by two participants.


What has happened to them lately/ good news or bad news/ What’s going on around them, etc.


Brain energizer: Minus seven game



 Group talk:

  Divided into 3 groups. Each group had a different picture and talked over it.  

  After group talking, all shared the contents of each group discussion.



11月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

        2017年11月24日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


 Opening chatting: All participants talked about

      What has happened to them lately/ good news or bad news/ What’s going on around them, etc.


 Show & Tell

     Each participant picked up one to three items from their belongings, showed  and told on them. Some                 items they showed have special story or unforgettable memory.


 Let’s exercise our imagination

      Participants read a short dialogue (conversation between A and B) and discussed it in a small group.

      We guessed who A and B are /what the relations of the two are.  Also each group created a backstory                 exercising their imagination.







10月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives   

                                              2017年10月26日(木)  なか区民活動センター研修室2



Opening chatting: All participants talked about

     Their current events/What is new for them/What’s going on around them/

     What has happened to them lately/Something that impressed them, etc. 


 Discussion: Mobility Activities

    Participants discussed their mobility activities in pairs.

    We talked about where to go on a daily/weekly/monthly/annual basis and the purposes of the mobility.

            Some drew a mobility diagram when they explained their activities.  

            Then, we, in a big group, shared what had been discussed in pairs.

9月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives 

                                                            2017年9月29日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatting:  新しい参加者を迎えて、Confirmation of our ground rules   Self-introduction in pairs    

Describe myself in a word: I am a(an) ・・・

Brain energizer : Minus 7 game

Talk:    3グループに分かれて最近読んだ本、見た映画、テレビドラマなどについて話し合う。

           title, main character, outline or   plot, impressive part/expression/lines など。




8月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

                                           2017年8月31日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatAnnouncement (新情報の共有)Three good points about my partner (ペアになって) オープニングでは二人一組になり、3-4分chatの後、パートナーのgood pointを3つ挙げてもらいました。


Energizer :  Stretching of back and neck Making shoulder joints flexible by swinging arms

Talk :         My mysterious experiences/supernatural phenomena which I encountered 不思議な体験、超常現象の話は皆                  さん興味あるようですが、実際に経験した人はどのくらいいるのでしょうか

Workshop : Attractive flyer Compare two flyers (the original flyer and the improved flyer) of an event What are                          differences between two? What are improved points? Which is the improved flyer? ファシリテーターが数日                  前に参加した講座「思いの届くチラシの作り方」から題材を得ました。





7月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  

                                                   2017年7月27日(木) なか区民活動センター研修室2


Opening chatting:     新しい参加者を迎えて、自己紹介、他己紹介など     

Describe myself in a word: I am a(an) ・・・ Energizer :     

Radio gymnastics の中のいくつかの運動で気分転換 Role Play     

2グループに分かれてmayoral election campaignのbrains meeting    候補者の選挙演説、支持者による応援演説を英語で





 6月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives

               2017年6月23日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室2

Opening chatting:  Kitchen gardenについて、Summer giftについて。 

Workshop 1:     Describe & Draw   参加者はお互いに見えないようにテーブルに向って座る。一人が絵を描きながら何                              を描いているのか口頭で説明。他の人は言われたとおりに絵を描いていく。

Workshop 2:     Household chores/houseworkの分析、家事の種類を挙げる。それに使用する機械、


5月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                        2017年5月26日(金) なか区民活動センター

4月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                                                                                   2017年4月27日(木)

3月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives          2017年3月30日(木) なか区民活動センター

2月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                             2017年2月24日(金)なか区民活動センター


 Group 1 

    Toyosu city in Hokkaido has no problem about declining birth rate because citizens get special medical benefit but in consideration of its future the city needs further revenue.

  Tourism ambassador makes a presentation how rich the city is in natural resources such as ski resort and hot spring to invite tourists.

  Culture ambassador explains about the artistic activities by citizens, especially ballet performance and a big concert hall.  The city wants to invite many outsiders to utilize the facility.


Group 2 

  A tiny village on a small island near Amami-oshima is a good place to visit and relax. 

  And in summer the village has a big firework display.

  Agriculture ambassador talks about its main produce, wheat.  Villagers not only produce wheat but they also process it to flour to bread.  The bread has a good reputation. Also the islanders produce quality coffee beans. 

  Fisheries ambassador makes a short presentation of its fishery activities.  Because it is surrounded by the sea it is abundant in sardines.  The number of fishermen is not so big but their productivity is high.  The villager has a few processing methods including drying and canning. 


1月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                              2017年1月27日(金)なか区民活動センター

11月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                                     2016年11月25日(金)なか区民活動センター

10月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                                                                                                            2016年10月27日(木)

9月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                2016年9月30日(金)なか区民活動センター







8月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                                                    2016年8月25日(木)