12月英会話サロン English conversation salon by non-natives  2021年12月24日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2

Opening chat: seasonal topics

We will soon be in the deep of winter, and our chatting focused on the cold season topics. One participant talked about “yuzu” citrus. She harvested many fruits from yuzu trees in her yard. She gave each of us some fruits and shared her special yuzu recipes with us.

Snow season has just arrived. One asked why a snowman in western countries is triple layered while we make a double layered snowman in Japan. Many of us made comments on the topic.

Since some participants of the salon are matured, they have memories of the typical sight of winter long time ago. They talked of tadon and rentan (charcoal/coal briquettes), such as what they are made of, and how they are used.

At the end of the year, Japanese usually take care of the house as well as plants in the yard diligently. One participant told us that she planted some cuttings of cherry tree branches in flowerpots. She had got them from her neighbor after they had pruned some branches of a cherry tree in their yard. As it is an early blooming sakura, she said, she is expecting to seeing cherry blossoms in February.












One participant talked about the movie “MINAMATA”. She saw it recently and was impressed. Participants discussed Minamata disease including how it happened, who caused the disease and how much impact it had on Japanese pollution cases after that.



How was your year 2021 Describe it in one word

We summed up the year by describing it in one word. Participants made a wide variety of answers. They were “vaccination”, “laugh”, “menu”, “Netflix”, “forget”, “bath”, “busy”, “hardship” and “license”.

Each participant told the reason why they selected the word. Most were positive words and even in some negative words we saw the bright side of life when they talked about their backstory. For example, one said “I went through a hardship earlier this year but I overcame it and now I appreciate the happiness of nothing happening and I am grateful to have a common day”. The other said “It is hard to think up a menu every day, but when I hear my grandchildren saying that it was very tasty after meal I feel very happy”.


メンバーが各自の2021年を振り返り、それを1語で総括しました。“vaccination”, “laugh”, “menu”, “Netflix”, “forget”, “bath”, “busy”, “hardship”  “license”などです。そしてなぜこの言葉を選んだのかを説明しました。概ね前向きな言葉が選ばれていましたが、なかには少しネガティブな言葉もありました。しかしその背景にある話を聞くと、希望をもって望んでいることに気が付きます。例えば「今年の前半は辛い思いをしましたが、それを克服した後に、何も特別なことが起こらない通常の日々がいかに幸せか、と自分で気づき感謝の気持ちで満たされた」、「毎日の献立を考えるのが苦痛に感じる。しかし食事の後に孫の『ごちそうさま、美味しかった』という言葉で幸せな気持ちになれる」。

Hearsay game

This is similar to “telephone game” but we do not whisper.

When we get an information secondhand, sometimes it is not 100% correct.

If we learn it “thirdhand”, how would it be? In this game, participants made pairs and each pair exchanges the information of what they did or a big event for them in this month. Then we rearrange the pairs and a participant tells to a new partner the information they have got. After repeating this procedure, each participant shared with all of us the information they’ve got from their last partner. Some stories were different from the original one and we all enjoyed it.


11月英会話サロンEnglish conversation salon by non-natives  2021年11月26日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2

Opening chat

One participant talked about her experience of joining in an event called Kannai-gai Openearly in November. She made a presentation as a speaker.

Another member introduced a movie by which she was deeply impressed.  The title is “Stage Mother”.  It is a story of a mother who inherits a kind of a bar started by her deceased son. The mother and the son were estranged from each other for a long time since he had come out as gay.





Blue Dal: Introduction of another Yokohama mascot

“A little girl with red shoes on” is a well-known Yokohama mascot and its design appears on many Yokohama souvenir goods.  One participant introduced us another Yokohama mascot, “Blue Dal”.  According to her, Blue Dal is a dalmatian dog and it comes from a historical story. When Matthew Perry came to Japan for the second time, he brought some dogs as a souvenir to Japan. They were dalmatian dogs. Usual dalmatian have black or brown spots on their white body, but Blue Dal is blue-spotted, with two different tones of blue. She showed two kinds of bags with Blue Dal design on them and gave us some chocolate balls of Blue Dal color.





A bicycle accident

One participant talked about an accident she had when she was riding a bicycle. It was a head-on collision with another bike. Both fell down and she got hurt on her legs and her bike broke down. Fortunately, her injury was not serious though she still has a bruise and she had her bike fixed. We discussed the introduction of the mandatory bike liability insurance and bike registration system, and we all agreed that we cannot be too careful in riding a bicycle.




Group work: School lunch

City of Yokohama has a new school lunch program for junior high school by categorizing a boxed lunch prepared and delivered by private companies as school lunch.  Mayor Yamanaka published the policy to promote the program. However, it is unpopular and has been criticized a lot. In our salon, we had a discussion on school lunch. We were divided into three groups and each took a different approach to it.

One group discussed the significance of school lunch. Having balanced meals is important for children’s healthy growth and development. But school lunch has more. It is a dietary education: nutrition, food, eating culture, manner, etc.

The second group talked about the memories of school lunch. Many of salon participants share one memory.  Skim milk, a Lara relief good, was served as a part of school lunch and most of us did not like it. But one participant did not drink the skim milk at school in 1950s, and he said that goat milk was served at school and that it was very delicious. He was born and has lived in Naka-ward, Yokohama city.

The last group picked up collection methods of school lunch fees.  They compared the method of today and that of 1950s/1960s. Now, parents are asked to open an account at a school-designated bank from which fees are withdrawn every month. Back in 1950s/1960s pupils brought fees in a special envelope and handed it to their teacher every month.

The group said that it should be dangerous for school kids to carry cash and that it should put extra burdens on teachers. One participant told her memory. There was one classmate who did not bring his envelope every month and the fact that he was from a family on welfare quickly became known throughout the class.







10月英会話サロンEnglish conversation salon by non-natives  2021年10月22日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2




We had a lively salon with many participants.

A participant said “Today is my birthday” and we celebrated her by singing “Happy Birthday”.

Another participant showed us beautifully arranged flowers. She said it was a gift to her friend she planned to visit in the afternoon.


All of us talked about some current topics and what are interested in these days.





ちょうどこの日にお誕生日を迎えた参加者に、皆でHappy Birthdayを歌ってお祝いしました。





A participant said “I have been into smartphone games these days. I could say I am addicted”. Then we had lively conversation about addiction with many exchanging their views.

-What is the definition of addiction?

-It means the situation that you cannot stop doing something harmful.

-Does it always refer to something negative?

-When you are enthusiastically devoted to a particular thing, is it an addiction or not?




Change of meaning of some words

One participant said that the nuance and use of certain words have changed. She took a Japanese word “daijoubu” as an example. When she chatted with her granddaughter, she realized it meant “No thank you” instead of “OK”. Speaking of which, the word “yabai” has two opposite meanings. In English recently we often hear the word “awesome” in very casual contexts.

一人の参加者が自分の孫との会話から、ある日本語の言葉の持つ意味合いが変化してきているのではないか,と疑問を呈しました。例えば「だいじょうぶ」という言葉が「結構です」「要りません」の意味合いで使われているように。そういえば「やばい」という言葉も二通りの意味があるようだし、英語でもawesome は昔と意味合いが変わってきている、などの議論がありました。


Gender issues in our daily life

At the beginning of October, NHK program of TV taiso (calisthenics) started to have two male demonstrators along with three female demonstrators in one show. Previously five women performed the demonstration of daily exercises. Followings are comments by the participants:

-That doesn’t feel right somehow.

-Why did NHK make a change at this moment?

-Why did the program have only female demonstrators in the first place, while two of three instructors have been male for a long time?

-One reason would be that the number of male viewers has increased because of COVID-19.

Then we discussed that Japan is on the way to a society that recognizes gender diversity. The term LGBT has now become established among Japanese people and we have heard LGBTA or LGBTQ recently. The meanings of LGBTA (Asexuality, Ally) or LGBTQ (questioning, quest) were shared among participants.

One pointed out that many public facilities have “toilet for all” in addition to traditional men’s room and women’s room. The other said that these days in questionnaires, we have three choices for attributes of respondents, male, female, N/A or “don’t want to answer it”.

今月からNHKのテレビ体操の実演者に男性が加わりました。何人かの参加者からコメントがありました。 やはり違和感がある、なぜ今、男性を入れたのか、そもそもなぜ今まで体操の実演者が女性だけだったのだろうか(3人の指導者の内2人は長い間男性なのに)、コロナの影響で男性の視聴者が増えたことも理由の一つとして考えられる。



Role Play: At a real estate office

The participants are separated into two groups.  One takes a role of real estate agents and the other a role of prospective buyers. A set of flyers of real estate properties are handed out to each group.  About twenty properties were on the flyers and both groups examine them, checking their location, accessibility, living area, layout, price, structure, security, maintenance fee, etc. Then the buyers visit the real estate office and tell what type of property they search for, their budget, their family structure and so on. The agents recommend certain properties highlighting their advantages, such as “This condominium is only a few minute-walk from JR station” and “The view from this room is wonderful because it is on the top floor”, etc.


9月英会話サロン English conversation salon by non-natives  2021年9月24日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2

We had two salons this month because the maximum occupancy of the venue was six people at one time. The early salon and the late salon were held so that all applicants could participate.



Opening chatting

One participant said that she had a skin problem recently and she guessed that it may have come from wearing a mask all the time. She changed her mask-use from more fashionable Korean-made masks to plain Japanese-made ones and decided to stop using certain cosmetics and drinking her favorite “BOSS” coffee, then her skin condition has improved.

Another one talked of a Korean drama she has been into recently by drawing a character relationship chart on the white board.

Two of the members participated in an event

“Online Tour of Yokohama in English” organized by Yokohama Aoba International Lounge. In it the speaker picked up 12 interesting sites and online participants were shown a lot of photos and information including some historic episodes. The places are Tin Toy Museum, Koganecho-area, Ukiyoe Café, etc.

The other participant talked of her new hobby.  It is called online “Laughter Yoga”. It is said that laughing is good for our well-being. She practices it three times a week herself in her room.

 ある参加者はマスクを常時着用しているためと思われる肌トラブルの話をしました。対策として彼女はおしゃれなデザインの韓国製マスクをやめ、シンプルな国産マスクに変えました。また化粧品の使用も控え、お気に入りのBOSS コーヒーを飲むのをやめたところ、改善したとのことです。





Vegetable Growing class

There was one who talked about an activity she had started recently. It is so interesting for all participants that we made many questions and comments. It is introduced hereunder.


It is “Growing Vegetable Class” organized by a consumer cooperative club which she belongs to. The one-year course started in April and will finish in March next year. Each of the 25 class participants rents a plot of land, 24sq.m, located in Izumi Ward where a lot of farmlands spread out. The instructor is a professional farmer and he teaches and demonstrates from scratch, from how to till the soil, how to sow seeds or plant seedlings, to caring for crops.  After his demonstration, each goes back to his/her own land, 25 plots of land lined up in rows, and practices what they were taught.  Students borrow farming tools and are provided with seeds and seedlings. No chemicals used.

She has just finished harvesting her summer vegetables of more than ten kinds and the amount was more than her family can consume. She will start sowing autumn vegetables next week. She enjoys growing vegetables and visiting her "farm land" often for watering and weeding though she is afraid of being sun-burned and getting bug bites. Because she does not drive a car (she is a so-called “paper-driver”), she carries her heavy harvest in her backpack and goes home by train and on foot. She paid 50,000 for the one-year course including the rent. It is reasonable, isn’t it?



Pair work: What did you do yesterday?

In a pair one asks his/her partner “what did you do yesterday”. Some answers it with a lot of topics and expanded stories, while others have some difficulty to answer it. After both of each pair finish their questions and answers, the information they get are shared with all members, but in three sentences.  It is good practice for us how to summarize the information.




Picture description

Each participant is requested to describe a picture/photo they are given.

Here, creativity, decision on how to structure the story and an eye for finding out what are important, are necessary.


Thematic discussion: Public/Street Drinking

In Japan we witness more and more young people drinking on the streets or in the parks and other open public spaces.  In the salon we discussed the issue focusing on the following points.

1. In many countries public drinking is prohibited.  Please share your experience in        foreign countries if you have.

2. Is public drinking a traditional culture of Japan?

3. Why are Japanese tolerant of public drinking?

4. Do you think Japan should have laws/ordinances forbidding public drinking?



1.  路上飲酒が禁止されている国は多数あるようですが、海外でのケースについて


2. 路上や公共の場での飲酒は日本の昔からの文化でしょうか?

3. 日本人は(他の国に比べると)なぜ飲酒に関して寛容なのだろうか? 


8月英会話サロン English conversation salon by non-natives  2021年8月27日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2


English Conversation Salon uses a seminar room of Naka-ward Activity Center for its venue. Because of COVID-19 pandemic, Center has another new guideline on the use of the seminar room. The venue’s capacity is now limited to a maximum of six people. As we had just six participants for the August Salon, we were saved to make a new arrangement.



Talking of a new experience

One participant had recently an exciting experience and she shared it with all other participants. During the Tokyo Olympics she worked as a translator.  She was dispatched to Enoshima Yacht Harbor by her temp agency where sailing races were held. She was stationed at the parking lot and her duty was to translate for the foreign media staff and Japanese taxi drivers. 

“On the site you never know what would happen. We were translators but also expected to answer their questions and give information to them” she said, “I worked there for eight days and I had many good experiences every day. I found we need flexibility, willingness and hospitality”.




Topic:  Superstition practicing

Do you practice any superstition for good luck?”asked one participant. She showed an interest in the topic and she was a facilitator for the session.

Other participants listed up something or some practices/behaviors which are said to bring good luck/bad luck to people.

One said she routinely puts on her shoes from right foot but she does not know why. Another said Japanese avoid the numbers four and nine as we see them unlucky numbers. The other said it is believed if the tea stalk stands up in the tea, it will bring good fortune.

After talking, we had concluded that most superstitions have lessons and precautions based on wisdom and experiences of our predecessors.


Game:  5Ws Game

Every participant of this game is given 5 cards and asked to write on each card one/a few words representing the person(who), the time(when), the place(where), and the noun(what) and the verb(what). Then all cards are collected, shuffled and given out randomly to each.

Now each participant is required to create a coherent story using the given words as keys.



We will show the best story by one participant.

Given keys: Tom Cruise (who), at the time when Tokyo 2020 started (when), in New York Central Park (where),

        a baby (what) and swimming (what).


Tom Cruise began swimming when he was a baby. He practiced it in New York Central Park. He was in Tokyo as an athlete at the time when Tokyo 2020 started.

7月英会話サロン English conversation salon by non-natives  2021年7月30日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室1

Casual talking:

The venue of the Salon is very close to Yokohama Stadium, where a baseball game for Tokyo 2020 was to be held in the evening. The streets showed unusual atmosphere. Some streets were closed and others were under heavy security with many policemen standing at every corner. Many Salon participants complained that they had to make a detour or it took more time to get to the Salon. However, one participant said that she enjoyed some of the Olympic atmosphere.


One who participated after her six-month absence told how she had spent days at home. She said she had been really into a serial Korean drama called “Equine Vet” and she added that without the drama she could not have survived those boring days.







Topical talking:

The Tokyo Olympics was the first topic. We talked about the opening ceremony held a week before. One paid attention on the wording of Opening Declaration by the Emperor because he did not use the Japanese word for “celebrate” and chose the word “commemorate”.

The parade of more than two hundred countries/regions/teams came up in our conversation. Most of us were interested in the order in which delegations paraded into the ceremony. It was determined by the countries’ Japanese-language name, and one said she felt something strange to see Yemen Team coming just after Andorra.  

We talked on the teams such as ROC and ROT.

We confirmed the number of sports and events. About the viewers’ rating of 56.4% we discussed looking for reasons of this high rating.

However, one participant said that not all Japanese are enjoying the Games being held in the shadow of a pandemic.






Another topic was the vaccination against COVID-19.  Most of the Salon participants have been fully inoculated. We discussed the vaccine hesitancy spreading among young people.

Why are they unwilling to do so?

Most said concerns about side effects would be a reason.

One told that younger generation have little interest in self-protection from pandemic, because of their lower level of developing symptoms.

Some said “They tend to get information through SNS some of which would be misinformation unestablished scientifically” and one participant argued that younger generation should be educated on how to select proper information and to make balanced decisions, otherwise some of them might be trapped in a “filter bubble”.







6月英会話サロン English conversation salon by non-natives  2021年6月25日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2


We had a new participant. Through Q A between her and other participants, we shared some information about her.

新しい参加者を迎えました。他の参加者との間のQ A によりかなりの情報を共有しました。


Brain energizer: 3 hint quiz

Everyone gives a quiz in turn.  The quiz-questioner gives three hints and others guess what it is. The theme was Japanese culture. Expected answers were “tea ceremony”, “sumo” and so on.

Well, please guess the answer with these hints: paper, brush, India ink


全員が順番に出題者となり、他の人は出された3つのヒントでそれが何かを当てるゲームをしました。テーマは日本文化です。茶道、相撲などもありましたが、さて、次の3つのヒントで、ある日本の文化を当ててみてください:paper, brush, India ink

Discussion: Summer

After the rainy season, it will be officially summer but there are few summer lovers among the salon participants. We talked about “summer”, giving good points and not-so-good points of it. A wind bell was listed as one of favorite points of summer but it led to a discussion. Japanese feel cool and comfortable when we hear the sound of wind bells, but would people with different cultural backgrounds feel the same?





Group work: Agriculture & Fishery

The topic of Group Work was the primary industries in Japan.

Two groups chose either of the agriculture and the fishery. Each group discussed the workers, working sites, working seasons/time, etc. Also, they talked about necessary equipment and tools as well as the consumables for the industry. Both groups tried to gather information among group members though their information are limited, but they made very good presentations.



The agriculture group’s presentation

The agriculture group gave farmland, rice paddy, farming machinery and tools, seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, etc. as necessary items. Agricultural activity is practiced all year round in Japan. The group argued that the industry has challenging issues such as cheaper imported vegetables and aging farmers with few young people and that an alternative working practice with two day-off on weekend has been introduced.



The fishery group’s presentation

One of the characteristics of the fishery is that the area of working extends wide from the coastal to distant waters and its activities seem more open than farming activities. Fishers need fishing boats, fishing gears such as nets and rods, and baits, ice, water, fuel, etc. A boat-operating license is necessary. Their working hours are not regular and sometimes they work early in the morning and late at night.  They have little time to be with their family.

Fishing activity is usually considered as “3Ds(dirty, dangerous and demanding) job” and the landing of fish fluctuates depending on the natural condition. However, fishers can expect to “make a fortune at a single stroke” like “Herring Palaces” as seen in the past.






5月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2021年5月28日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2







Vaccination against COVID19

A few participants have already booked for vaccination with the local government-run vaccination centers or their family doctors. One will not be vaccinated as she is allergic to some chemicals and another said that she was vaccine-hesitant but that she changed her mind because “vaccine passport” would be necessary when she plans to travel overseas near future. But there are still some who are struggling to make an appointment for vaccination.





Neighborhood nuisance

One participant told us that there has been a quarrel in her neighborhood. A man in his seventies waters his plants in flowerpots placed in his yard everyday but he uses a powerful watering hose with too much water splashing over the next door’s yard. When the next-door neighbor complained, he started to yell.


People losing their temper easily

Have you seen some people shouting on the street?  More people have a fit in public recently. Does it mean that we live in such a stressful society?  One participant told most of those who blow up on the street are rather old men and their targets of yelling at are the vulnerable people such as women, foreigners or the elderlies.


Street/public drinking

Street drinking is prohibited in many countries while in Japan we witness more and more young people drinking on the street or in the parks and other open public spaces. When Japan hosted Rugby World Cup two years ago, many visiting supporters from overseas drank numerous cans of beer at some convenience stores’ parking lots and shouted loudly, saying “Japan is paradise for us as we can drink beer anywhere.

We discussed why Japanese are tolerant of public drinking and also different drinking cultures among countries.



Group work:  Find the good news in the bad news

Positive thinking is the practice of finding the good in any given situation and it is said to play a key role in our well-being. In our salon the participants focused on positive potential in the bad situation.

The examples of optimistic attitudes presented by the salon participants are shown below.


ポジティブ思考はどのような状況でも「何か良いことを見つけよう」という考え方で、私たちの心身の健康に大きな役割を果たします。望ましくない状況で、どのような「良いこと」を見つけるかについて、グループに分かれて話し合いました。参加者の皆さんは、Find the good news in the bad newsという形で、いろいろな例を挙げました。


The bad news is that my husband is getting week mentally and physically these days. The good news is that he has been less stubborn and got along better with me.


The bad news is that I am busy with weeding my yard. The good news is that I have more time to get some fresh air and bathe in the sun.


The bad news is that I got rid of my car.  The good news is that I have more time for walking and save money for tax and maintenance.


The bad news is that I have more gray hair now.  The good news is that I can dye my hair any color.


The bad news is that I found some ants walking in a line in my kitchen.  The good news is that I realize I live with nature.



The bad news is that my husband is in the hospital with not a serious illness. The good news is that I have a lot of free time in my house.

4月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2021年4月23日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室2



One participant told that very recently she sent her artwork to a competition in Italy. She used internet money transfer for remitting the entry fee and found it incredibly easy and cheap.

Another participant told a good news and a bad news about her family.

All joined the discussion on the recent fashion of Ms. Harue Okada. Participants’ opinions were split. The public health expert draws TV audience attention to her fashion!!

One told a concern on English education in elementary schools. English will soon be taught for grades 3 through 6. 

Also, we checked the schedule of application dates for COVID19 vaccination which are different by age brackets in Yokohama city.


 岡田晴恵女史の最近のファッションについて全員で話したところ、賛否が分かれました。公衆衛生の専門家がファッションで話題になるとは‼ 横浜市のワクチン接種の年代別申し込みスケジュールについても全員とても関心を持って話し合いました。

Describe a picture: To develop creativity and get inspiration

Each small group was given one of photos of spring flowers/blossoms. We all talked freely and actively about the photo. 

The group of “rape/canola flowers” focused on its name. Because of its negative connotation of the word “rape”, today people have increasingly used the word “canola”.

One of “nemophila flowers” group members took up a pine tree seen behind the nemophila garden. He said that the tree seemed sending out an energy for lives, as it reminded him of the miracle lone pine tree which had survived the massive tsunami in Rikuzentakata.

The “peach blossoms” team, after describing the beauty of pink gradation, explained that the peach trees for blossoms and those for fruits are different.

A member of “colorful poppies” group said that the picture had turned her thoughts to a famous poem titled “In Flanders Fields” which is about bright red poppies blooming in a bloody battle field during WWI.






Group work: Producing “Wide Show”

A wide show in Japan is a kind of talk-and-news show on TV, covering wide range of hot topics such as news, entertainment, celebrity gossips, health, social issues and other useful information for our daily life.

In our salon, we divided into three groups.

Each is a Wide Show producing team for different TV stations. Now they plan their show to be broadcast tomorrow. This is their final discussion: what is the main topic for the show, who will be invited as commentators or guest speakers as well as time schedule. Meanwhile each group talked about the show’s title, its concept, targeted viewers, etc. Their discussions were presented and shared with others.



3 月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2021年3月26日(金)  なか区民活動センター  研修室1



One introduced a movie “Abe” and told that it reminded her of the importance of religion.

When the other said “I’ve got a witch’s shot”, some of us shared how painful it is and advised her to do certain exercises to prevent it.



Brain Energizer

By turns, we named each of human body parts from the neck up.

As the participants were for the most part women, the cosmetic-related terms such as “eyebrow” and “eyelash” were given first. Words used less frequently in our daily life such as “iris”, “pupil”, “temple”, “Adam’s apple” and “collarbone” were also given.




Game: diversity game

Our society is diverse and so is a small group of people like our English salon. Through the game we know the majority and minority of the group.

As to the participants’ home prefectures, Eastern Japan native got a majority.

As to the vaccine hesitancy, their stance to vaccination split in half.  To the question whether the Tokyo Olympic games should be held as scheduled, almost half agreed and the other half disagreed.

We had 9 participants and all enjoy the differences and respect a wide range of values.


Role play: at a psycho-therapist clinic

This was organized and facilitated by one participant.

She had prepared many cards with different designs which were made by decalcomanie method. They are similar to what we know as Rorschach Test.  

In the role play, she asked us to pair up.  In each pair one plays a role of a psycho-therapist and the other a patient.  The patient complains his/her poor health condition.  The doctor listens to the patient and shows one design, asking "what is the first thing you see on this card?" and "How do you feel about the design?"  The patient answers and the therapist analyzes it and gives a diagnosis and some advices.

The designs of inkblot were colored exquisitely and aesthetically amusing, and we all enjoyed the game.




Group work: imagination of the best/worst scenario

There are about 100 days left to Tokyo Olympics but we are worrying about whether the big sport event will really be held amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Some are positive of hosting the Olympics while others take a pessimistic view.  The salon participants were divided into two groups. One group discussed the best scenario after the Olympics and the other group, the worst scenario.  Using our imagination fully, we talked about how the Olympics would have an impact on society from different perspectives such as economy, wellbeing, education, security, etc. Two groups gave a presentation on their discussion.  “The best scenario” group concluded their presentation in one word “HOPE” and “the worst scenario group” concluded in “HELL”.



2月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2021年2月26日(金)  なか区民活動センター  meeting area





Brain Energizer: word game

As these months our top topic has been COVID-19, we had a word game using it.

Every participant gives a word beginning with each of C, O, V, I and D. For the second round of this game, we set the category of words: food. The game helped us energize our brain.



COVID-19 C.O.V.I.Dのそれぞれの字から始まる単語を挙げていきました。2回目は食べ物の単語に制限しゲームを楽しみました。

Chatting: many topics

Even the activities of our daily life have been limited, we are happy to have a lot of topics to talk about.



One talked about her experience of selling her stuff at BOOK-OFF.

They sold much higher than she had expected.



There was a participant who told a strange story of COVIID-19. One primary school girl had tested positive. But her parents did not report it to her school but they reported that she had a flu. Is this possible?


We also discussed the remarks made by Mr. Mori, a former president of the Tokyo 2020 organizing committee. The only male participant of the day said he disagreed the comments that women talked too much. 

The other participant focused on the expression “Women should understand their place” which would be a deep-rooted prejudice in Japan’s society.


One told that she had been hooked on “Essays in Idleness”, a Japanese classic.

She introduced us a paperback translated into modern Japanese for young students.

She read her favorite passage aloud. It tells us that everything has the beginning and

the ending and that we should appreciate not only its peak but every process of any






Individual work: developing imagination

We had a work of expanding our imagination. Reading a short dialogue between two persons, each of us made a story. We set any situation freely: who and what they are, how they are related to each other, etc.


        A: That was a nice funeral.

        B: Yes, it was.
        A: The son gave a nice speech about his father.
        B: It was long, too.
        A: I think it was about 45 minutes long.
        B: But it went by fast. It was interesting.
        A: I liked it.
        B: I'll give you a speech like that, too.
        A: Do you think anyone will come to my funeral?
        B: Of course.
        A: I think only the family will be there.
        B: You have lots of friends! They will be there, too. 

Many interesting stories and situations, some of which are introduced here:


This is a dialogue between a landlady in her 80s and a young tenant.  The deceased was an old friend of her. She wanted to go to the funeral despite her poor health and she asked the resident of her apartment to go with her.  The young man was surprised because he had never seen the deceased, but he thought that keeping good relationship with his landlady would benefit him, then he accepted it.


The departed was a big figure in Japanese political arena. His two secretaries talk after the funeral. One of them is planning to succeed the politician. The funeral is a good opportunity for him to expand his network and distinguish political enemies.


A very famous movie star passed away. He was 86 years old. His funeral was very big and attended by many actors and actresses as well as people of film industry. After the funeral two actors in their 50s talk paying their respect for the great movie star. 



1月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2021年1月22日(金)  なか区民活動センター  meeting area


The state of emergency has been issued in Kanagawa Prefecture and the venue for English Conversation Salon has another limit on numbers.  So, our salon was held on a reduced scale.



As an opening topic, one talked about New Year’s dishes for solo celebration. She ordered online the ready-made dishes instead of cooking herself. A package was delivered to her at the end of the last year and it comprised 30 tiny portions of different kinds of dishes.  She enjoyed them and celebrated the new year herself.

The other told that she tried to make amazake and failed. She did not know the reasons but she made use of the failed amazake dough to turn into a kind of pancake and savored it.  It sounds sour grapes, doesn’t it?



Discussion: When we feel a sense of accomplishment/achievement

Due to COVID-19 pandemic the society is in such a gloomy mood, but our salon’s participants think positive. We talked about “a sense of accomplishment”.

One said she has a sense of achievement when she gets a certificate of completion of something she has worked for and the other said when she works a sweat doing aerobics for a definite period of time. Another told when her pedometer shows 8,000-plus as the number of steps taken for the day.




Work: Daily routine diagram

As our table was partitioned by some transparent acrylic boards, we did an individual work.  Each of us made a diagram of her daily routine activities. We found everyone takes some time for exercise:

working out at a gym where she subscribes to

doing exercises with dumbbells in bed as soon as she gets up in the morning

walking and doing radio calisthenics at a nearby park





Work: Describe a leaflet

The participants described the content of a leaflet given to them and gave some comments. We were aiming to make an easy-to-understand explanation. 


12月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年12月25日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室1


One participant talked about her visit to Kamakura the previous week where she tried a rickshaw ride. A rickshaw-man cum guide took her some tourist spots.

Another participant said her family member’s friend had tested positive for COVID-19. Many asked her questions about the patient’s condition and after-effects.

One talked about his expectation for early vaccination against COVID-19 and all of us agreed.  He introduced a story of a vaccine development in Germany.





Our lifestyle has radically changed in this year. 

We discussed what has increased/decreased comparing to pre-corona days.

Increase: time of stay-home, walking time, purchase of luxurious goods (as a way of de-stressing), use of delivery services, online communications, etc.

Decrease: eating-out, face to face communication/conversation, consumption of cosmetics, taking public transportation, exercises at gym, etc.



Group work: 

Before dividing into groups, all of us discussed the buzzwords of 2020 and top news of Yokohama. This year, many buzzwords are related to pandemic such as Abeno Mask, Solo-camp, Go-to Campaign, Online activities and so on. Some of Yokohama’s big news are new facilities such as City Hall, JR Yokohama Tower and Yokohama Ballpark renovation.

Each of three groups chose one from the buzzwords or Yokohama big news as their discussion topic and then shared their discussion contents with all.


The first group selected “Kimetsu-no-Yaiba” (Demon Slayer). 

It is an animated feature film, very popular not only in Japan but also other nations. The story is about human love especially affections between a brother and a sister. Another specialty of the film is Japanese traditional designs and patterns of characters' costumes.

The second group chose “san-mitsu” orThree Cs approach to prevent COVID-19 infection by avoiding closed spaces, crowds and close-contact situations”.

This group discussed measures against three Cs taken at the level of facilities, such as movie theatres, commuting trains, elementary schools, super-markets, activity centers, etc. “Keeping distances”, “sparsely queueing”, “opening doors & windows” are common measures in them.

The last group discussed “Gundam” of which full-scale model is being exhibited at Yamashita Wharf. It is as tall as 18m and makes precise and realistic movements. One group member emphasized that it is fruits of many engineers’ efforts.








11月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年11月27日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


Some participants who experienced Zazen meditation recently talked about it and other members asked them many questions; how long does one session last? How is the posture?  For what is Keisaku given to you?  Is it painful?  Is a method of zazen same throughout all temples?

One introduced a film titled “In Syria”.  It is about a tragedy of Syrian urban warfare. A family and their neighbors confined themselves indoors, because of a street fight raging outside: going outside meant their death. She compared their situation to our experience of “stay home” request by the government during the first wave of COVID 19 pandemic this last spring.



Recent Topics

We talked about face masks which are essential to our daily life now.  First, we tried categorization of face masks we wear: disposable or reusable, cloth-made or non-woven, natural fibered or synthetic fibered, white or colored, plain or patterned, simple or gorgeous, etc. Then we picked out the research results announced very recently. It is about comparison of a cloth mask, a non-woven mask, a urethan mask and an N95 mask. We shared this information by drawing 4-quadrant matrix on the board.


Group work:  Pros & Cons

The topic was “Go To Campaign”, a government subsidy program for the travel business and the restaurant business.  Divided in two groups, each of which took a position of either “pros” or “cons”, we had a discussion.

Pros:  Consumers can travel and eat out cheaper.

         It can vitalize the businesses.

         People can become refreshed.

         It would be a good chance for small shops and restaurants in the tourist areas to

get money.

Cons: Further spread of the virus

It would be unfair because only those who have time and money would benefit from the program.

Some tourist places become too crowded.

There are few choices of restaurants in some tourist areas.

Despite very few choices of souvenirs in some areas, people are encouraged to use free coupons which is included in the program.  They tend to purchase unnecessary souvenirs.

As to “Go To Eat”, the procedure of getting points is so complicated that only limited people who are IT literate can access.  (from the “Pros” team:  it would be a good chance for elderlies to learn how to use smartphones.)


Go To キャンペーン」について、2つのグループに分かれてディスカッションをしました。


Pros: 消費者は安く旅行、外食ができる。




Cons: コロナの感染拡大が心配。





       Go To Eat」についていえば、ポイント取得の方法が複雑で、ITに詳しい人が有利になり、年配の人は恩恵にあずかることが       できない。(この点についてはPros グループより、年配者にとってスマホの使い方を習熟する良い機会になるかもしれない、       との指摘がありました。)

10月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年10月30日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室1


The capacity restriction for the venue has been eased and we had English Conversation Salon with thirteen participants.  We enjoyed more active and dynamic gathering.




Two participants made an announcement of the events they are respectively planning in November.


As an ice-breaking, we had “add-one-word” game. The topic this time was “autumn”.  One participant puts one word associated with autumn, next person adds another word related to autumn and the last person has to remember all 13 words.

They put items from autumn colors & fallen leaves as natural phenomena, to persimmons & chestnuts as seasonal harvests, to Halloween & Kannazuki (classic name of October in Japanese) as human-created cultures.



オープニングでは2人の参加者が11月のイベントのアナウンスメントを行いました。どちらも興味深い催しです。また、秋に関する事象を使ってAdd One ゲームを楽しみました。果物、色づく木の葉、落ち葉など自然現象、ハロウィーンや神無月のような人間の創ったものを連想し、前の人の言葉に足していきますので、最後の人は13の言葉を記憶していなければなりませんでした。

Work in pairs

Pairs talked about “my favorite sport”, “my memory of sport” and “the sport I play/do”. Then their discussions were shared with all participants.  Many like sumo and have their own favorite wrestlers.

A participant likes to watch baseball games and he is a big fan of Yokohama BayStars. He sometimes goes to enjoy a live public viewing performed outdoor, near the ballpark.

One who used to be a rugby player in his schooldays said that he respects “One for all, all for one” and “No side” as rugby team spirit.

As to a nice memory of sports, one talked about a mini ping-pong table which her parents prepared for her when she was a little child.

We heard about an unusual experience of one participant.  He used to be a professional baseball player, though a farm player.  He played as catcher for a short time for Taiyo Whales, the predecessor of Yokohama BayStars.




学生時代にラグビーのチームに入っていたという参加者は「One for All, All for One」と「No Side」精神が好きだと話していました。




Two participants had kindly offered to be a facilitator for some segments.

One was facilitated by the participant, who had prepared one question: “What would you like to be if you were reborn?”  

The answer was various, from a bird which flies over oceans freely, to a woman again, to a non-Japanese (any nationality would be OK). 

A very ambitious answer: I would succeed in next life using my career of this life.






Another participant provided us with a happy time.  It was a riddle game about Halloween using a special folding paper gimmick.  We all enjoyed guessing some riddles, e.g. What does a witch eat on the beach?  Guess the answer!



Work in groups

Divided into 4 groups. Each group had a different picture and found things which we can introduce as Japanese culture.

After group talking, they made presentation of what they had found in the picture.







In a casual daily item like baked sweet potatoes, there are a lot of sociocultural elements.

Following is a presentation by a group:

A sweet potato represents Japan’s autumnal harvests.

It is so deeply embedded in the lives of Japanese that it has some other names.  One of them is “Ju-san ri”.  This comes from a marketing phrase “Ku-ri(9ri) yori(4ri) umai ju-san ri(13ri)”, which literally means “Ju-san ri sweet potatoes are tastier than chestnuts”, but contains some puns and rhymes in Japanese language. It is said the catchword was created by a baked sweet potato vender in Edo eta. Another point is that a sweet potato is sometimes used as a derogatory term for a rustic.








9月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年9月25日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


We welcomed a new participant, who had heard of English Salon recently.  She came back to Japan in March this year after spending some years in USA.  Other participants, interested in how she and her family returned during COVID-19 pandemic, asked her many questions.





2020 is the year of National Census in Japan.  The census survey documents have been distributed to each household.  Most of the Salon participants have already filled in the census questionnaire form and sent it online or by snail-mail. We talked about the contents of the questionnaire, purposes of Census and its necessity and Census takers’ duty. 




Energizer: Posing

Radio calisthenics and other exercises are gaining popularity recently and a variety of books for the exercise are available. Some of them have a lot of nice photos or illustrations which help us do self-exercise.  Using a photo book, we did “posing” as an energizer.

 A first participant picks out one pose from the book and gives instructions to a second member to make the same pose as a photo in the book.  The instructions must be verbal, not using gestures. The second performs the pose as he/she is instructed.



Group work;

Even in the pandemic and stay-home period, daily grocery shopping is necessary.  All of us discussed the criteria for selection of groceries/food and choosing of shops/stores.

Then we divided into two groups. Two different flyers of two supermarkets were prepared to each group. The groups were requested to compare two flyers, talk about the contents of them and make a choice of a supermarket where they would like to buy food in accordance with the selection criteria and based on the information of flyers.  Then both groups made a presentation. They told all of us their selection of a supermarket, giving as reasons:


price, quality (freshness, expire date, producing areas), richness in variety, size of one portion, seasonality of food, location of the shop, business hours, cleanliness, discount/point system, flyers attractiveness, convenience, variety of delicatessen, health consciousness, environmental friendliness, etc.  




8月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年8月28日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


This month, two salons, SalonA and SalonB, were held.








When entering, we checked our temperature.


In SalonA we had a new participant who told about her experience of staying in Serbia. She spent two years there as a Japanese language teacher. There were many question from other participants.





 ← A participant explained the location of Serbia, drawing a map of    Balkan Peninsula




We talked about insects.  There seems to be some differences between Japanese concept of “konchu” and insects. We listed names of insects, categorized them and talked about social insects like bees and ants.

Daily exercise was also a topic.  Walking, step exercise, radio calisthenics, Tai-chi, and stretching are routine of participants.


オープニングでは虫について自由に話をしました。日本語の昆虫と英語のinsectには少々違いがあるようです。私たちが悩まされる虫、アリやハチなどのsocial insect についても活発なディスカッションができました。




 ← A participant is demonstrating one of 18 forms of Tai-chi.


It’s been seven months since the outbreak of COVID-19 in Japan.  Since then, our lives and Japanese society have changed a lot, positive changes or negative changes.

We talked about who have become in the spotlight, who have lost their reputation, which businesses have been more prosperous, what items have drawn more attention or become faded. We divided them into items “ups” and “downs”. Through our “analysis”, Uber Eats, delivery service, face masks, disinfectants, YouTube, Zoom, Public Health specialist Ms. Harue Okada, super markets, etc. belong to the category of “Ups” and under the category of “Downs” are Prime Minister Abe, tourism, entertainment business, restaurant business, and an actor Mr. Junichi Ishida. 

ディスカッションはコロナ自粛生活7カ月の間に私たちが感じた変化を語りました。新たに脚光を浴びるようになったもの、人、成長したビジネスなど、そして逆に評判を落としたもの、順調でなかった経済活動などについて話し合いました。参加者皆さんの分析によると、positive change として、ウーバーイーツ、宅配サービス、スーパーマーケット、マスク,ユーチューブ、ズーム、公衆衛生学の岡田晴恵氏など、そして negative change としては、外食産業、エンターテインメント業、観光業、そして評判を落とした人物には安倍首相、俳優の石田純一氏などが挙がりました。


Work:  How much our telepathy works

One pair sits at two separate tables which are partitioned by a board. One can hear what the other says but cannot see him/her.  Both are given a sheet of paper and they are asked to draw a complete picture respectively. One of them starts by drawing one item on his/her paper and tells his/her partner what he/she is drawing and where (in which part of the paper) it is being drawn, but not describe details. Now the second person continue to draw by adding another item and tell the other. Repeating this 5 times, each completes his/her picture. Because the information from the partner is so limited that they have to make full guesstimation. After finishing drawing, two drawings are compared.

This is a kind of game which helps you enhance your capacity of description, imagination and telepathy.  



7月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年7月31日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2

This month, two salons were held on July 31.  The number of participants for each salon was six which is the maximum the venue accommodates for the time being.

The participants were well prepared for the gathering under the self-restriction situation, respecting social distancing.

In chatting, some told how to lead a life-with-Corona.


One participant introduced an interesting news clip.  It was an article of a tell-all book about President Trump written by Mary Trump, his niece.  We discussed the topic.



chatting では“life with corona ”をどのようにして送っているか、様々な経験が語られました。皆さんきちんとsocial distancingを守りながら、和気あいあいと話が進みました。




Game:  Spot the Difference

Participants were asked to find 7 differences between the two pictures. It is a kid game but all got excited.



Individual Work: Expand your imagination  My occupation is ・・・

Each participant was given a picture of a person.  By looking at what the person is doing and the attire he/she wears, the salon participants were asked to imagine that is his/her occupation and to make a story freely. The story they made included his/her history, background, what they are actually doing, how they have got involved in the occupation, where the working place is, etc.

 After a few minute effort to expand their imagination, each made a presentation of their own story.  All the stories were very interesting without any inconsistency.





One participants who was given the picture (left) created a story. " He is a famous Japanese dance master who worked at a company until his retirement age.  Since then, he have made a strenuous effort to become a top  master of Japanese dance."




Another participant's story is that he is a No performer and now relaxing after he made a performance. Simple explanation of  No stage was given to all participants.



6月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年6月26日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2

English Conversation Salon uses a seminar room of Naka-ward Activity Center for its venue.  After three months closure, the center reopened in June with some restrictions. According to the Center’s new guidelines on the use of the seminar room, a maximum of six people, 50% of the venue’s usual capacity, are allowed in the room at a time, while more have applied for participation.  So we decided to hold two salons at two different time schedules.

Salon A started at 9:30 and Salon B started at 11 o’clock. Both were participated in by six.  It was the first time to have two sessions in the four-year history of our salon.  

All were happy for the resumption of the salon, albeit with some restrictions.  For example, the participants should wear face coverings and sit with enough distancing from each other.  The main topics of two salons were almost same, but both were very active in terms of discussion.






How we have survived the coronavirus pandemic! 

All the participants talked about how they have spent the self-restrictive period and how they are living the life with corona virus. They shared unique experiences, positive mindsets and new activities. And then, we picked up and discussed some topics which many had interest in. They were face masks, activities by online, expectation for vaccine development, washing hands/disinfection, etc. 


← 会場内では距離を取り、マスクをつけてディスカッション

   Discussion with social distancing and wearing face masks







← オンラインによるエクササイズクラスの説明をする参加者

   A participant explains how she had an online exercise class 

Work and presentation:  Draw & Describe

Each participant is asked to draw a simple picture/illustration of “My favorite place”, “Place of my good memory”, “Place I was impressed by” or “Place I would like to introduce to all.

One drew a map of the neighborhood of his house with some landmarks while another depicted a kindergarten and its vicinity where she used to go. Some drew scenic spots where they had visited with their family.  The other showed past and present of her native town with a lot of illustrations. 





3月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年3月27日(金)  山下公園 Happy Lawson横広場


While local governments in Kanto Area had issued or were to issue “Stay-at-home” /”Shelter-in-place” request for the coming weekend, English Conversation Salon was held in Yamashita Park. All participants enjoyed the outdoor Salon surrounded by beautiful spring flowers.

As social distancing is very important, we carefully took enough distance from each other.  It was a good change to have conversation in fresh air.


Opening chat

We talked about how we had spent the month and survived the boredness.

One said that he watched a lot of old Western movies, the other tried to walk every day to keep herself fit. Most of us made efforts to maintain our motivation amid many social activities cancelled.


新型ウイルスの感染が広がりつつあり、各自治体からは外出の自粛要請が出されつつあります。様々な活動、集まりも中止になっていますが、3月の英会話サロンはOutdoor Salonとして山下公園で行われました。潮風を受けて楽しいひと時を過ごすことができました。参加者がお互いに十分な距離を取るよう留意してのOpening Chatでは、それぞれがどのように過ごしているか、モチベーションを保ち続けているかなどについて話し合いました。


Work and Presentation

The individual work was to walk inside the park and find something interesting. Then each made a presentation on what he/she had found.

One participant presented the origin of Big Head statue of ZANGIRI.

The other introduced so-called Yokohama souvenir which she bought at Happy Lawson in the park. Two chose Indian Water Fountain. One explained its history while the other focused on beauty of the mosaic pattern on its domed ceiling. Also we discussed the elevated railroad for freight trains which used to run through Yamashita Park 1960s to 1980s.





Fitness exercise

Each participant introduced one piece of his/her routine exercises and others followed to the calling of counts.  Also we did “Radio Taiso No.1”, Raidio Calisthenics, together with nice sea breeze. 


 せっかく屋外で開催されているのですから、気持ちの良い潮風を受けながら体を動かしてみました。参加者は自分がいつも行っているエクササイズの一部を紹介し合いました。最後は全員で「ラジオ体操第一」。    Stay healthy!

2月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年2月28日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2




One member of the salon has taken the course of watercolor for several years and she has her recent work displayed at the exhibition of her painting class at Kenmin Hall gallery. Other members asked her many questions about creating art works.

 These days we find many eco-friendly items. One participant talked about the “solar cooker” which she has recently bought. According to her explanation, the solar cooker can heat the 1.2 liter of cold water in one hour up to 80-some degrees which is hot enough to make Japanese tea.






Discussion and workshop

A current hot topic is COVID-19.  We discussed the epidemic of the disease; discussion on the origin of its outbreak, symptoms that patients develop, the cruise ship Diamond Princes which had been in quarantine at Yokohama Port and so on. Many of us worried how much influence the outbreaks of the new coronavirus have on our life. 

We picked up five major concerns: shortage of face masks, Tokyo Olympic Games, closure of schools, impacts on Japan’s and the world economy and voluntary restraint. Among these five, “whether Japan can host Olympics” was the top concern by majority rule. However, when we ranked these five concerns using a tool called “pair-wise ranking”, we found what we worried about the most was “economic impact” followed by “Olympics”.


1月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2020年1月24日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2

Opening: First meeting in 2020

A new decade started and we hope it will be peaceful and fruitful. 

Each participant talked about what was the biggest news, incident or event in the last decade for them, for Japan or for the world.

This is the year of the rat according to Oriental Zodiac. We discussed 12 animals seen in the zodiac. Each animal symbolizes some dispositions of human beings. Except a dragon, the 11 creatures are existent and most of them are/were served as food in some traditions.


Psychological quiz

In small groups, we had a psychological quiz/test which shows symbolization of animals.

 “You live alone in a remote place, but you have 5 animals: a horse, a cow, a monkey, a wolf and a sheep. Because of scarce food, you must throw away your animals one by one.  How do you decide the priority order?”

Each group made a decision mostly based on how useful the animal is for human.

According to one psychological interpretation, a horse symbolizes “work”, a cow “property”, a monkey “child”, a wolf “pride” and

a sheep symbolizes “spouse”.     





Group work: Three-item-story creation

We made up three groups, each of which had 5 members.  Each group created a story containing three items borrowed from another group.






Group 1 made a story of a sentimental journey.


A young beautiful woman loses her love and travels westward aboard Shinkansen train.

In the train she takes out from her bag three things of precious memories and recalls those happy days with her ex. 


Group 2 presented a role play.


An old pawnshop owner has three women at his shop and each of them has brought one item respectively which they want to pawn for some money. The experienced and crafty but warmhearted shop master deals with them, accepting / rejecting the items, negotiating over the amount of lending money and admonishing one woman to change her life style.










Group 3 introduced a story with Show & Tell style.


An Iranian woman living in Japan wants to send some gifts to her sisters in Iran.  A woolen scarf is for her elder sister who lives in northern Iran.  A rose-shaped brooch which she has handmade is for her younger sister. For sending she puts special stamps.

They are memorial stamps which have designed Chinese characters meaning “Happiness” and “Celebration”.

12月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年12月27日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2

Opening: summing up 2019

As the year 2019 was nearing an end, we summed up the year.

We discussed the buzzwords of the year which had been announced through media early in December. We named some top buzzwords including “One Team”, “xx Pay (smartphone payment)”, “Reduced Tax Rates”, “Tapiru (to consume tapioca sweets)”, “Niwaka-fan (to become a rugby fan suddenly)”, etc.  Also we talked about the Chinese character of 2019  and TIME’s Person of the Year.

Then each of us summarized the year, presenting “one word that represents my 2019”. They are “change”, “new”, “trouble”, “husband”, Chinese”, “time”, “hospital”, “energy”, “depression”, “challenge” and “travelling”. Among them are some negative words.


Using the participants’ “one word”, we enjoyed “Plus-one-item Game”.


Game: Guess-What-Color

This game was facilitated by one participant. Each was given a piece of paper with one drawing without colors. He/she guessed the color of one item in the drawing. After guessing, to our surprise, the correct answers (colors) were shown up through a special gimmick.

Group work: Describe a page

Translation from writings into voiced sound is helpful for the visual-impaireds.

Many volunteers of this translation are supporting the blinds in Yokohama, but their activity is not only reading aloud stories, articles or written information in books or newspapers.  Sometimes they read out the page which contains photos and drawings along with written articles. It must be very difficult.


In our salon, we daringly tried to describe pages with photos and drawings laid out skillfully. One member of a group drew a picture on the board by listening to the verbal description made by members of other group.




11月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年11月22日(金)  なか区民活動センター研修室2


First the events announcement were made by some participants as usual, then we had a time to talk in pairs about what each had done last month or what was a new experience for them. After the discussion, everyone told to all participants about what his/her partner did.

Some unique/new experiences such as visiting Belgium and a zumba class were targets for questions.

Game:As   Game: As some visited Yokohama Central Wholesale Market on the previous Sunday and enjoyed seafood, we had the plus-one-item game on names of fish/fisheries products.

                                                                   We named fishes like cod, bonito, shrimp, tuna, squid, salmon, crab, flatfish, mackerel, etc.

サロン参加者の数人が横浜市中央卸売市場で開催された「横浜市場祭り」に出かけ、おいしい海鮮料理を楽しんだとのリポートがありましたので、水産物関係の「+one itemゲーム」をしました。13もの魚介類の名前が挙がりました。


Group work: Making trivia quizzes

A trivia game is popular recently.  It is a lot of fun to make and answer the questions about interesting but unimportant facts in many fields. 

At our salon, we enjoyed the game.  After being divided into four groups, each group makes several trivia quizzes secretly and writes one quiz on one sheet of notepad.  The facilitator collects all of them and selects 15 questions then reads them aloud.

Four groups compete against each other for how many correct answers they make.  



Examples of trivia quizzes they made

Which is the flower of Kanagawa Prefecture?

Which high-school was Takakeisho graduated from?

What is the first private girls’ school in Yokohama?

Who is the first wife of Juzo Itami?

When is the Reiwa Emperor’s birthday?

Who is the historic person who had worked as a waitress in the restaurant “Tanakaya”?

What do you call three babies born to the same mother at the same time?

10月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年10月25日(金)    なか区民活動センター研修室2

Opening:  Some participants made an announcement of events.

           Kamakura tour (mainly Kita-kamakura area)

            Visit to Yokohama Central Wholesale Market

              Exhibition of hand-made dolls by Koike Hisen, a doll creator.




       1.A game using flash cards depicting Halloween items was

     facilitated by a participant.

     We enjoyed three rounds of the game and all of us were

     excited like children. 






2.Mental exercise: Plus-one-item game on words

   beginning with the prefix “re” 

ちょっと頭の体操  plus –one ゲームなのですが、

今回は接頭辞 “re” を付けた単語で楽しみました。


”reduce”, ”reuse”, “recycle”はどこかで聞いたことのあるthree wordsです。 



Group work: Creating story

Divided into three groups, each group is given a different photo respectively. They were asked to create one complete story based on the photo.  Each group discussed who are the persons, the relationship among them, on what occasion and where was the photograph taken, etc.  Finally the stories full of imagination were presented to other groups.


























9月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年9月27日(金)    なか区民活動センター研修室2

Confirmation of our Ground Rules

  English Only, Active Participation and Enjoy

Interview with New Participants

Last month and this month, we have a few new friends. Being divided into three groups, each group interviewed with one new participant respectively and then all shared the information of them. 

Game: Plus-one-item game on culinary terms

    We had two rounds of the game: on culinary utensils and culinary methods.



   新規参加者の男性の一人が料理を趣味にしているとのことで、料理関連用語のvocabulary expansion gameを楽しみました。

  調理器具ではmortarladle、調理法ではsimmer, grate, marinateなど、あまり耳慣れない用語もいくつか出てきました。



Discussion & Group work

  All took part in a discussion on Japanese culture.  We gave many categories of cultures such as food, art, sport, entertainment, event, etc.

       and realized that some of Japanese traditions originated in China. Each of three groups of our participants selected one among many

       cultures we had given, and talked about it.  The result of the discussion was presented by each group.

  日本の伝統的と言われる文化について、話し合いをしました。cuisine, event, entertainment, art, sport など様々な分野の日本文化が参加者から活発に挙げられましたが、いくつかは日本originalではなく、元は中国文化だったということに改めて気づかされました。その後、各グループは、一つをディスカッションのトピックとして選び、15分ほど話し合いました。3グループが選んだトピックは「日本酒」「月見」「花見」でした。ディスカッションの要点はプレゼンテーションの形で全員で共有


8月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年8月30日(金)なか区民活動センター研修室2

Show & Tell:  A bright page of my life

Four of English Salon participants have prepared some photos to show and share their special experiences.

One showed us some photos of the Expo ’70 in Osaka where she worked as a pavilion companion. We enjoyed to see the photos of her in uniform, sitting at the information desk /attending to vice-governor of her native prefecture.  She also talked about the experience of standing on the top of The Tower of the Sun, a symbol of the Expo ’70.

Another talked about her experience of posing for photos in front of the camera as a kimono model. She showed us some photo-books and magazines in which kimono-clad herself are put.


The other shared her special experience with us when she participated in one of the international beauty contests as a representative from Japan.  She showed some photos of her in a special gown and with a crown. 



次回は“A bright page of my future”として将来の楽しい活動について話し合いたいと思います。



Discussion & Group work

All members discuss the pros and cons of “Elderly Persons Pass” issued by Yokohama municipality, because some of us are pass holders and it is said that the city plans to review the system. Many advocate it saying that it is important to vitalize the city by encouraging senior citizens to participate more in social activities. Some pointed out its contribution to less carbon dioxide emissions.  


Then members were divided into three groups each of which discussed the pros and cons of “working mothers”, “introducing school-provided lunch at junior high schools in Yokohama” and “book cafes” respectively.  The discussion results were shared with all.


  現在の社会は様々なissueを抱えています。横浜市の「高齢者パス」も財政面から見直しが考えられているようです。サロン参加者全員でこの制度のpros & cons(賛成・反対)を話し合ってみました。この手法を使って、グループに分かれて「働いている母親」、「横浜市中学校給食」、「ブック・カフェ」について賛否を話し合いました。ディスカッションの結果は、各グループがプレゼンテーションという形で、全員で共有しました。


7月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives  2019年7月26日(金)なか区民活動センター研修室2

 Game 1

    20 questions / Guess what I am thinking about / Yes or No Game

Players ask the thinker 20 questions (close-ended questions) and the thinker answer only Yes or No.  We had games of three categories.

Who am I?

What is it?

  Where is it?



の範囲をnarrow down ていくのが、面白かったと記憶してい





 Game 2  

  Three-hint-game facilitated by a volunteer participant

Also a guessing game but in this game the thinker gives three hints to the other players. If you guess correctly at the first hint, you will get the highest point.






Group work: Role play of Life Counseling Team

In a group, one is a counselee and the other two are counselors.

 In each case, a written note of an issue has been given to the team. 






Case Ⅰ 

Counselee: A housewife in 60s whose only son (30, single) wants to change his jobs.  She wants him to continue the current stable job. She is worrying so much that she cannot sleep at night. 

Counselors:  A psychologist and a recruitment agency







Counselee:  A divorced woman (49) lives with her parents.  Her parents are aging so she does every household chore.  But her father blame her for being lazy because she does not work outside. She feels shamed of depending financially on them.  She cannot control her feeling of hatred for her father. 

Counselors:  A family trouble therapist and a local community center staffer.





Counselee:  A father of 14-year-old daughter who has been bullied by her classmates and isolated for several months. Two months ago she stopped going to school. 


The parents talked with the class teacher and a school master, but they have not obtained enough answer.  The daughter does not want to be reconciled with her classmates but she wants to change schools. 

Counselors:  A staffer from local board of education and a truancy specialist



6月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives             2019年6月28日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室 2















Discussion on environment in pairs

Talked about our day-to-day efforts to protect the environment.

After the pair discussion, every participant shared with all what his/her partner does.


Since each pair talked for more than 10 minutes, we knew quite well about our partner.  Each of us introduced his/her partner, focusing on three

ood points.


The place (in Japan) where I was impressed with.

Each participants picked up a place in Japan that had impressed him/her most and explained why they like the place,

One introduced her home town, some talked about the place where they had lived and others picked up the places where they had visited as tourists.


Group Work

The three groups played roles of Sales Promotion Department of a company or a restaurant, and they were given a different picture of a new product (menu).

Each group discussed the strategy of promotion of their new product (new menu).

After the discussion, they made a presentation on remarkable features of their product and how they would make an appeal of it to consumers to increase sales.


5月英会話サロン English conversation by non-natives                 2019年5月24日(金) なか区民活動センター研修室 2


・日本人の名前の英文表記に関して様々な意見が出ました。確かに中国や韓国の人の氏名はローマ字で書いても、姓・名の順です。日本政府は来年の東京オリンピック、パラリンピックなど国際イベントを前に日本および海外の報道機関に「姓・名」表記を呼びかけるとのこと。Prime Minister, Abe Shinzo の表記がみられるのでしょうか。




Role Play

Match-making party has been common as Japanese society faces the issue of declining birth rate. In Singapore, as early as in 1984, the government took the initiative to hold match-making parties to provide opportunities to meet and eventually marry for young people (mainly well-educated people).

In our salon, we had a role-playing of match-making party.  Divided into a men group and a women group, all participants tried to raise their profiles through the group-interview.  





婚活パーティー参加者の見た目・looksの情報です          男性側、女性側に分かれて。質問が飛び交います